Often critical of yourself or others? Trouble expressing vulnerable emotions? Irritated with unexpected change? 

If this describes you, you are in the right place! These traits are all related to a coping style of over-control.  Maladaptive over-controlled coping is associated with problematic perfectionism, chronic loneliness, depression and anxiety, disordered eating, obsessive, compulsive and avoidant personality features. The good news is, with Radically Open DBT (RO DBT) you can retrain your brain and body to be more flexible, open and enhance connections in your life.

What our clients say!

“I chose RO DBT to continue to learn how to acknowledge the emotions I’ve been covering up for so long, learn how to adapt to situations that are out of my control (and try not to control every situation), connect more with others instead of isolating and start to find joy in life again (even when things aren’t perfect). I desire to find meaning and purpose in my life. Even before the difficulties of the past year I’ve lived an unfulfilling life. I’ve learned I can’t just force myself to be happy or content and my over-controlled tendencies have kept me from experiencing so much.”

“Our sessions really helped me become more comfortable with myself, more flexible and open, and helped me re-prioritize my values and become more aligned with them.  My work life balance has improved so much; I have time for hiking, game nights, meeting with friends and family regularly, kickboxing, etc. The skills we practiced are still immensely helpful and allow me to give myself grace for those feelings and move past them without getting overwhelmed. Thanks for all of your help!”